(英国城镇、地区的)选举监察官 In Britain, the returning officer for a particular town or district is an official who is responsible for arranging an election and who formally announces the result.
The Returning Officer may, at the request of a person who proposes to be nominated as a candidate, give assistance in preparing a nomination form. 选举主任可应拟被提名为候选人的人的请求,就填具提名表格而提供协助。
Apply for nomination papers to your local returning officer. 请向当地选举监察人索取提名表。
This appointment may be revoked by me at any time by delivering to the Returning Officer a duly completed specified form of notice signed by me. 本人可随时将一份填妥并由本人签署之指定表格送交选举主任,以撤销此选举代理人之委任。
Returning officer ( official who conducts an election in a constituency and announces the result) 选举监察官(负责选区内选举事宜并宣布选举结果者)。